On Tuesday 21 November 2023, the National Farmers Federation (NFF), in conjunction with the local councils, is hosting coordinated rallies in Basin towns, including Leeton, Griffith and Deniliquin.
The Deniliquin rally, led by Edward River Council, will be held at the Multi Arts Centre Precinct on Cressy Street at 12.00pm.
The purpose of the rally is to demonstrate to Senate crossbenchers, who will be voting on the proposed changes to the Basin Plan, that local communities do not support the recommencement of water buybacks, and that these changes will affect entire communities, including local jobs.
We understand it is a busy time of year, however, if you can spare the time, we encourage as many community members as possible to attend the rally to show your support to keep farmers farming, to keep irrigation towns thriving and to keep workers working.
Further to this, if you would like to share information on the rally via your own social media platforms, the NFF has provided the below links to assist with clear and consistent messaging.
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