Transfer Rules Policy (2019)
Our Transfer Rules Policy (2019) describes the rules that govern how we deal with trades and transfers to and from your water account with us, pursuant to the relevant legislation and statutory instruments.
Murray Irrigation
All the details for this year’s End of Season arrangements are listed here as information is released.
You can buy and sell “wet” water (temporary water or megalitres) and annual Delivery Entitlements on the Water Exchange.
For instructions on how to use the Water Exchange via your Customer Portal, including how to sell and purchase water, you can download our Water Exchange User Guide and the Water Exchange Terms and Conditions on our Water Exchange page or give the team a call on 1300 138 265.
You can also view temporary water and delivery entitlements for sale on our our Water Exchange page.
Murray Irrigation works with customers to enable the trade of land, permanent water entitlements, shares and delivery entitlements.
Water Entitlements (WE) can be permanently traded independently of land.
Shares in Murray Irrigation and permanent Delivery Entitlements (DE) can only be transferred between landholdings within our area of operation.
We can assist you with annual transfers of water (“wet” water or megalitres) between irrigation valleys or between Murray Irrigation water accounts.
By lodging an application, you accept the terms and conditions of the Water Exchange and Transfer Policy.
For external transfers customers also need to provide a WaterNSW Allocation Assignment form with the buyer details completed (transferring out) or the seller information completed (transferring in). A link to this form is provided on the 6E form. The customer is also responsible to pay the WaterNSW transfer fee to WaterNSW.
Forms may be submitted by fax to 03 5898 3301 or by email to
Serial No | Water Entitlement | Delivery Entitlement | Unit Price |
P309 | 0 | 186 | 2 |
P317 | 1446 | 0 | 1900 |
P319 | 381 | 0 | 2000 |
P320 | 0 | 500 | 0 |
P321 | 0 | 1200 | 0 |
P322 | 0 | 57 | 0 |
P325 | 25 | 25 | 1650 |
Serial No | Water Entitlement | Delivery Entitlement | Unit Price |
- |
Disclaimer: The above data is provided for the reader and is accurate only to the extent that it represents the information supplied to Murray Irrigation Limited by third parties. The information published is not a complete record of all permanent transfers transacted and should not be taken as necessarily representing true market value at any particular time. Some sales are between related parties. Incomplete transactions and those where values have not been given, have not been included in the above list.
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