Murray Irrigation
Rehabilitating and connecting thousands of
kilometres of riparian systems and wetlands
throughout the Murray floodplain landscape,
Previously known as Murray Reconnected Floodplains, the project's outcomes include the upgrade of existing infrastructure both within the Murray Irrigation channel network (escapes, channel upgrades), and private land (creek crossings and fences) within the region’s rivers, creeks and wetlands to build on enhance e-water events by delivering water into natural assets via Murray Irrigation’s channel network. The overarching objective of this project is to deliver better environmental outcomes using water already recovered through water reform.
• Develop business case to deliver additional water for environmental outcomes
• Enhance riparian systems
• Rejuvenate on-farm wetlands in the Murray Irrigation footprint
• Project kick-off 2022
• Works complete by 2026
wetlands rehabilitated
riparian ecosystems
connected to the Murray River
floodplain ecosystems rejuvenated
The development of a business case during stage 3 of the Restoring Murray Waterways project will explore the viability of the below potential benefits on full implementation.
The Murray Irrigation water delivery system is geographically placed to deliver targeted environmental water to thousands of hectares of rivers, creeks and wetlands that connect to the Murray River.
The Murray Irrigation supply network can deliver targeted environmental water efficiently because it sits higher in the landscape than the surrounding riparian and wetland systems.
This assists to create an environment resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Simulating environmental flows in natural systems maximises both environmental benefits and the intelligent use of water.
A combination of environmental water can be used for the 'loss' component, while consumptive water can be used for the 'flow' component that connects back to the Murray River for downstream use.
Intelligent accounting of different water types enables the delivery of maximum environmental outcomes.
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