Murray Irrigation

Project: Barmah-Millewa Feasibility Study

Optimisation of the existing Murray Irrigation  water delivery network to improve system efficiency, reduce water losses and increase water availability.

Project outcome

Participation in the Barmah-Millwea Reach Feasibility Study to understand the potential

of optimising the existing Murray Irrigation water delivery system to generate additional

environmental outcomes and assist with delivery constraints of committed

historic demand water below the Barmah-Millewa Reach.

Reduced pressure on Barmah-Millewa Reach

Additional Environmental Outcomes

Key project benefits

  • There is potential for optimisation to yield improved river operations within 1-2 years.
  • Simulates environmental flows in natural systems
  • Contribution to secure supply to downstream needs
  • Reduction in the delivery pressure on the Barmah-Millewa Reach allowing more opportunity for environmental recovery

Murray Irrigation Water Delivery System

Optimised flow through the system may reduce pressue on the Barmah-Millewa Reach.

Murray Irrigation Water Delivery System

Barmah-Millewa Reach

The Barmah-Millewa Reach

is made up of three key flow

constriction points along the

Murray River between the

Yarrawonga weir and Echuca.

It has the lowest maximum

flow in any stretch of the

Murray River.

The Reach restricts the within-bank flow of the Murray River to around 9,200 ML/day below Yarrawonga.

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