Murray Irrigation held a Board meeting yesterday, Wednesday 27 November 2024.
As communicated in yesterday’s shareholder update all resolutions that were put forward for a vote during the company’s Annual General Meeting were carried.
I congratulate the five Directors on their Board appointments, and extend my appreciation to shareholders for participating in the AGM process.
I’m pleased that all the resolutions were carried and that the Board now has the confidence, with shareholder support, to continue to work towards the company’s strategic plan and deliver for our farmers, the community and the environment.
The official results from the AGM can be found via this link.
The first agenda item of the Board meeting was the appointment of the company Chair, Deputy Chair and committee Chairs. I’m pleased to announce the following appointments:
Chair: Phil Snowden
Deputy Chair: Geoff McLeod
National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) delegate: Gabrielle Coupland
I congratulate Directors Geoff McLeod and Gabrielle Coupland on their appointments. The Board would also like to thank Lachlan Marshall for his service as Deputy Chair for the past 2.5 years. Lachlan chose not to seek an additional term as Deputy Chair.
The Board resolved all committee chairs would remain unchanged as follows:
Remunerations and Nominations Committee (REMCO) Chair: Trisha Gorman
Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMCO) Chair: Robert Burbury
Water Policy and Management Committee (WPMC) Chair: Geoff McLeod
The above committees are an important element of Murray Irrigation’s governance structure, ensuring that key initiatives and processes have been discussed and are understood at a committee level prior to coming to the Board for discussion and approval. I congratulate these Directors on their re-appointments as committee Chairs and am confident their skill sets will continue to bring value to the committees and in turn, the Board.
Murray Irrigation’s CEO provided an update on the Feasibility Study Grant Funding Murray Irrigation has applied for in conjunction with Murrumbidgee Irrigation and Coleambally Irrigation. It is anticipated that further communication from the Commonwealth Government on the status of this application will be received early in the new year.
Other topics of discussion included enhancements to the newly created Investment Committee Charter, updates to the company’s privacy policy which will be made public on the company website once complete, and planning for February’s Board Strategy Day where the Board seeks to review and update where necessary the company’s strategic plan developed in 2022.
Murray Irrigation’s CEO is taking a month of leave over the December period. I’m pleased to inform shareholders that Nathan Holahan, Company Secretary and General Manager Corporate Services, will be holding the CEO delegations over that period, with Cherie Vetesi, Assistant Company Secretary stepping into the Company Secretary position.
With this being the final Chair Update for 2024, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our shareholders for your support over the past 12 months and wish you and your families all the best for the new year. May you all have a safe and happy Christmas.
If shareholders have any questions, please contact the Company Secretary on:
T. 1300 138 265
Phil Snowden
Murray Irrigation Chair
M: 0427 839 217
Delivering for our farmers, community and environment
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