Customer Update - IPART 2025-2030 water price review: Have your say

1 November 2024

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has today released WaterNSW's 2025-2030 Pricing Proposal, which is seeking prices to more than double over the five years from 1 July 2025.
You can find a copy of the issues papers via the below links:

Murray Irrigation strongly opposes this price proposal, and we are currently preparing a formal submission to IPART voicing our concerns and seeking to minimise any price increases.
Combined government water charges already comprise a significant component of customer water charges (currently $7.71 per ML General Security entitlement held (fixed) and $6.89 per ML used (variable)).
As the pricing regulator, IPART will consider WaterNSW’s proposals and customer feedback in reaching a legally binding decision on the maximum possible customer charges from agencies. Once prices are set, the five-year price path is 'locked in'.
Murray Irrigation is encouraging customers to provide your views to IPART regarding the impacts of price increases on their farm business.
Key dates in relation to the price determination process are as follows:

  • 1 November: Formal publication of WaterNSW’s proposed price increases.
  • 14 November, Public Hearing at 9:30am: This will be an online customer engagement by IPART where agencies explain their charge proposals and customers have the opportunity to share their views about WaterNSW's proposals.

Murray Irrigation strongly encourages customers to register and attend this hearing. You can register to attend via the following link:  WAMC and WaterNSW (Regional & Rural) Public Hearing

  • 9 December: Closing date for submissions to IPART.
  • March 2025: Draft Decision by IPART.
  • June 2025: Final Decision and Determination by IPART.
  • 1 July 2025: New prices come into effect.

Customers can also receive direct updates from IPART with news about the price review process by subscribing at the following link:
More in
formation is available on IPART’s website: Water | IPART

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