Murray Irrigation will shortly be calling for nominations from eligible individuals to fill three upcoming Member Director vacancies on the company’s Board of Directors.
Before nominations open in July, we are offering interested candidates the opportunity to attend a Director Nominee Information Session to find out what being a Murray Irrigation Director entails and the process to participate in the elections.
The exact details of this session including date, time and structure will depend on interest from potential nominees. Topics to be covered will include:
Murray Irrigation's Board of Directors currently comprises five Member Directors and two Independent Directors.
The vacancies arise due to the four year terms of Noel Baxter, Ryan Gleeson and Steve Fawns expiring this year. The four year rotation of these positions is a requirement of the company’s Constitution.
Messrs Baxter, Gleeson and Fawns may choose to stand again. If more than three nominations are received, an electronic ballot will be held in September.
If you are considering putting your hand up for one of these roles, we would encourage you to attend our Director Nominee Information Session.
To express your interest, or for more information, please contact 1300 138 265 or email by 3pm Friday 2 June 2023.
Nathan Holahan
Company Secretary
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