CEO Ron McCalman joined representatives from Murray Irrigation's fellow Southern Basin Infrastructure Operators (IIOs), Murrumbidgee Irrigation and Coleambally Irrigation, in Canberra last week to speak with Federal politicians, Ministerial advisers and stakeholder groups about proposed changes to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, which look set to be debated in the Senate before the end of the parliamentary year.
Facilitated by Murray Irrigation, the five-day schedule included, among others, meetings with Senator Jacqui Lambie, Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley and Senator Karen Grogan.
The visit enabled the three IIOs to present their combined position in relation to the proposed legislation. This includes calls for the social economic criteria to remain and for the timeframe for SDLAM projects be extended. During the various discussions, the delegation also highlighted initiatives that have the potential to negate the need for further water buybacks.
Murray Irrigation extends our thanks to peak body, the National Irrigators' Council (NIC), for providing the use of their office as an IIO base throughout the week. The delegation also got the chance to present at the NIC Annual General Meeting. It was pleasing to see such a close alignment between NIC and the three IIOs in terms of supporting the best interests of irrigators in the southern basin.
Top right photo: Murray Irrigation CEO Ron McCalman, Murrumbidgee Irrigation CEO and Managing Director Brett Jones, Coleambally Irrigation Policy and Communication Manager Jenny McLeod, Senator Jacqui Lambie and National Irrigators' Council Interim CEO Zara Lowien.
Centre right photo: Murrumbidgee Irrigation CEO and Managing Director Brett Jones, Coleambally Irrigation CEO Julian Speed, Senator Karen Grogan and Murray Irrigation CEO Ron McCalman.
Bottom right photo: Murrumbidgee Irrigation CEO and Managing Director Brett Jones, Deputy Opposition Leader Susan Ley, Murray Irrigation CEO Ron McCalman and Coleambally Irrigation CEO Julian Speed.
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