Murray Irrigation Customer Engagement Officers Laura Barlow and Shannon Bulmer attended the Irrigation Farmers Network's (formerly Irrigated Cropping Council) recent Irrigation Insights Conference, embracing the opportunity to hear about the latest innovations in irrigated farming practices and to learn more about the challenges that farmers are currently tackling in an ever-changing environment.
An extensive amount of information flowed throughout the day, with a series of industry experts on hand to present on a range of topics including:
Other program highlights included a seasonal outlook session, where keynotes John Clarke from CSIRO, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder's Dr Simon Banks and Agriculture Victoria Climate Specialist Dale Grey provided valuable information on how to understand and use climate data. Local farmers Greg Quinn, Nick and Oliver Evans and Chris Leed also shared details of how they are adapting their faming systems to meet the evolving landscape in the thought- provoking Farmers Insights Panel discussion.
Brill Ag agronomist Rohan Brill's presentation on growing high yielding crops highlighted that, amid the range of factors that farmers need to take into account when planning for their cropping season (sowing dates, soil nutrition, crop selection, disease management etc), water certainty is absolutely critical.
Murray Irrigation was pleased to join up with industry partners, suppliers, government agencies and farmers who operate within and beyond our service footprint, at this year's Irrigation Insights Conference.
Aside from its valuable learning opportunities, this event - like so many other conferences like it - went a long way in promoting a strong industry-wide understanding of the issues that are important to our region's irrigators.
For our Murray Irrigation representatives Laura and Shannon, it provided them interesting insight and a different perspective into the complexities and challenges involved in running an irrigation enterprise.
A round of applause to all the keynote speakers, the farmers panel and, lastly, to the Irrigation Farmers Network for hosting this impressive event.
Photo: Murray Irrigation Customer Engagement Officers Laura Barlow (far left) and Shannon Bulmer (far right) are pictured with local farmer Greg Quinn (inside left) and Irrigation Farmers Network Chair Michael Hughes (inside right).
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