Murray Irrigation is facilitating a General Meeting on Wednesday, April 10 2024 at 10.00am for shareholders to vote for or against two resolutions to remove Non-Member Directors Trisha Gorman and Robert Burbury from the Murray Irrigation Board.
The meeting is being held as a hybrid meeting, allowing shareholders to participate in person or online. Shareholders can vote:
Please note: all shareholders have a right under the company’s constitution to appoint a proxy, however, this method of voting is considered superfluous. Proxy voting was originally designed for shareholders unable to attend physical meetings and vote on the day. However, since the introduction of hybrid meetings and online/direct voting, there are multiple ways shareholders can participate in a general meeting, even if they’re not available to physically attend on the day.
Voting online (direct voting):
If you are unable, or do not wish to attend the General Meeting, you are encouraged to cast your vote confidentially online via the personalised link provided to you in your voting pack or via the following link
Online voting opens from 10am Wednesday, 3 April 2024.
If you wish to vote online but do not have the means, Murray Irrigation will have online voting stations set up in the Deniliquin and Finley offices by appointment from Wednesday, 3 April 2024.
Shareholders will also have the opportunity to watch the general meeting live online and to cast their vote online during the General Meeting proceedings using the following step by step guide. Hybrid Meeting Online Guide.
Voting via post:
All shareholders should have received a hard copy Notice of Meeting in the mail. Within this, there is a voting/proxy form. You can complete this form and return it in person to the Murray Irrigation’s Deniliquin office or via post to the below address before 10.00am on Monday, 8 April 2024.
Voting in person:
If you are attending the meeting, you can cast your vote for, against or abstain on the voting cards provided to you on registration at the meeting.
Voting by Proxy:
If you do not wish to use the above methods of voting, you can appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. A proxy form can be completed online via the personalised link provided to you in your voting pack or via the following link Alternatively, you can return the hard copy provided to you in the Notice of Meeting pack in person to the Murray Irrigation’s Deniliquin office or via post to the details below.
Please note, if a valid vote or proxy direction is provided by multiple methods of participation, priority will be given to the most recent method. For example, if you have appointed a proxy to vote on your behalf, and later decide to vote online, the online vote will be given priority.
Returning documents to the company:
In person:
Murray Irrigation Limited
443 Charlotte Street
Deniliquin NSW 2710
By fax:
+61 2 9287 0309
Via post:
Murray Irrigation Limited
c/- Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW
1235 Australia
For further information on the General Meeting, please visit
If shareholders have any questions about casting your vote, please contact Link Market Services on 1300 554 474.
For any other questions, please call customer support on 1300 138 265 or email
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