Due to increasing demand on the river system and potential constraints from WaterNSW and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, please ensure you place orders as early as possible.
Four days' notice is required to guarantee the supply of water on the day you require it.
Why is a four-day notice period required?
It takes up to four days for water to travel from the Hume Dam to our offtake at Lake Mulwala.
Murray Irrigation is required to place a four-day advance order with WaterNSW every day of the year.
The size of the advance order placed with WaterNSW is based on customer orders that have been lodged for delivery in four days.
This volume is then released from the Hume Dam to deliver through the Mulwala Canal to fill your order.
If you give less than four days’ notice, we endeavour to fill your order. However, as per our current Mode 3 Normal operation, this is subject to a range of operating parameters.
These include available water in Lake Mulwala and, in some circumstances such as peak demand periods, your delivery may be delayed up to four days.
Read more in the 2023-24 Season Operating Plan and in the Distribution Rules.
If restrictions are invoked, all new orders are placed on a four-day wait period. Flow restrictions may occur in channels where demand exceeds the physical capacity of the channel section.
At times of high demand, to help the minimise chances of interruptions to your orders:
Our Restrictions and Flow Shares Fact Sheet provides more details or you can contact us if you have concerns or would like further explanation.
If you prefer an earlier date and you receive the below system message when you enter your order:
Select 'Reject' to lodge an unsatisfied order.
You will then receive the below message:
Select 'Continue'.
This will place your order as a unsatisfied request and put you in the queue to receive your order as soon as capacity is available, or at a restricted flow in four days.
You can find more details in our Water Ordering Guide, or contact us to show you how.
If you need any assistance with your water ordering, please don’t hesitate to contact us: 1300 138 265 or email: customersupport@murrayirrigation.com.au
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
As mentioned in last week’s edition of Talking Water, Management is in the process of developing a Forward Allocation Product to assist the company to achieve the $54 million WaterWell target over the next five years.
Beginning this week, we will be seeking input from customers to help shape Management’s recommendation to the Board in February.
Further information on how we propose to structure this product, and how you can provide your feedback, will be provided in the coming days.
The NSW Government Rural Assistance Authority has announced funding is available for the Edward River Council area following last month's flooding event.
Directly affected primary producers may be eligible for Concessional loans of up to $130,000 and Transport Subsidies of up to $15,000.
Visit the NSW Government's Rural Assistance Authority website for more information.
The December 2023 Situation and Outlook Report from Dairy Australia forecasts milk production to remain steady over the 2023/24 season despite the anticipated impacts of the El Niño weather event.
For more information and to view the latest Situation and Outlook Report, visit Dairy Australia's website below.
Thank you to all those who participated in, and donated to, the Barham Local Health Medical Trust's Virtual Channel Fundraising Walk during November.
Organisers have hailed the event a success, with 49 participants walking more than 4,600 kilometres to raise almost $5,000.
This amount, combined with other campaign donations, has generated a total $11,200 to support the Barham/Koondrook community's medical hub.
Murray Irrigation would like to congratulate the organisers.
We are proud to have supported this fundraising campaign through our annual grants program, made possible with the support of our shareholders.
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