Following the successful draining of maintenance areas, our Winter Works are now well underway.
Our work in maintenance areas requires 2,184 work orders to be completed. On Tuesday 13 June, 13.6% jobs have been completed, with 1,965 remaining.
The below map shows the work orders to be completed this year in the maintenance areas, including the progression of the works as of Friday 9 June.
Other works being undertaken include servicing of all offtakes and regulators, along with inspections in other parts of the system in preparation for next year’s works program.
If you want to discuss our Winter Works program, please contact Customer Operations.
Performing our Winter Works safely and with as little disruption as possible to customers is our highest aim.
Our delivery performance for the period 15 August 2022 to 29 May 2023 is outlined below:
Overall, as this is our first season operating under our new model, with our new control system and reporting on these metrics, it is a great result to meet our Daily DIFOT target for our customers.
Our focus for next season will be to continue to improve on our Channel Performance, standardise operating procedures, and improve responsiveness through monitoring, which will further increase Daily DIFOT and standardise/improve levels of service.
To assist you in balancing your water accounts for the end of the season, all customers received an email last week showing water entitlements, available carryover capacity, potential forfeit, or remaining carryover as at 7.00am on 6 June.
Call us if you did not receive the email or if you have questions about the end of season. Your Water Allocation report also has this information.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
In December 2022, Murray Irrigation commissioned Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) investigator, SAFCOM Risk Management, to examine and report on the effectiveness of Murray Irrigation's drainage system infrastructure and processes in responding to the major rain events that occurred in October and November 2022.
The report sets out the lessons learned from the flood response, and contains a number of recommendations for areas of improvement.
In response, Murray Irrigation is developing a comprehensive action plan that seeks to systematically address these recommendations, including improved engagement with key local stakeholders.
Once complete, the Board will oversee the implementation of this action plan.
Murray Irrigation is honoured to be featured in the winter edition of Irrigation Australia Journal.
Interviewing Water Policy Manager Michael Pisasale, the article provides an overview of how the project works and the benefits it will have for agriculture, the environment and community.
Flood affected primary producers can apply for grants to support recovery until the closing date on 30 June 2023.
Once approved, primary producers may be eligible for a $25,000 up-front payment, with a further $50,000 in financial assistance available thereafter upon submission of valid tax invoices.
Check the Program Guidelines to see if this assistance can help your business.
The Regional Tech Hub offers help for rural and remote Australians to navigate often confusing phone and internet options and technical issues.
The National Farmers Federation (NFF) developed and operates the Hub in collaboration with the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.
For independent, free advice about telecommunications, internet, and mobile phone services and all the issues that can arise, click the button below.
The NSW Government is seeking information about the recent floods to help understand flood behaviour in the Murray, Murrumbidgee, Billabong Creek and Lachlan valleys.
Information can be emailed or taken in person at information sessions that are being held across the region throughout June, starting this week in Jerilderie on 14 June, Deniliquin on 15 June, and Barham on 16 June.
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site by mulcahymarketing.com.au