Our Deniliquin and Finley Customer Service Centres will be temporarily closed at the below times on Tuesday 21 May due to staff training:
All services through the Customer Portal will be available as normal during this time.
If your matter is urgent, please leave a message or send us an email us at: customersupport@murrayirrigation.com.au
We apologise for any inconvenience.
The guaranteed water delivery dates and water availability for the upcoming Winter Operations period were released on Thursday 2 May.
You can find these dates in our Operational Update below.
Information on end of 2023-24 season trade, carryover and water allocation accounts is available on our website and in our End of Season Operational Update that was released on 30 April.
The water sharing plan (WSP) carryover rules enable customers to carryover up to 50% of Class C water entitlements held in your water allocation account each season.
Any volume exceeding this is forfeited at the end of the season.
For example, if you carryover 40%, any allocation exceeding 70% will not be received.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
Murray Irrigation is pleased to announce the appointments of Gabrielle Coupland, Noel Graham, Geoff McLeod and Leanne Small to the company’s Board.
Board Chair, Phil Snowden, has congratulated the four new Directors on their appointments.
“These four talented individuals will each bring an outstanding set of skills, and we look forward to working together as a Board to achieve the best possible outcomes for the company, shareholders, customers and the broader community,” he said.
You can read the full announcement below.
Further information about the company’s four new Directors will be made available on Murray Irrigation's website in the coming days.
A quick reminder about our 2024 Community Sponsorship Program.
Applications for this year's funding round close on 3 June.
If you know of a local community group or organisation who might benefit from an injection of funds to help get their project off the ground, please point them in our direction.
Applications can be downloaded from our company webpage below.
Murray Irrigation's annual Community Sponsorship Program is made possible through the support of the company's customers.
Would you like to see first-hand how cotton is ginned?
With more and more people interested in how our food and fibre is produced, Southern Cotton's informative and engaging gin tours are designed to educate growers, tourists, students and other visitors about the local cotton industry, as well as the cotton ginning process.
Get a bird's eye view from the award winning cotton gin's specially-built observation walkways!
Currently, Southern Cotton tours operate weekdays at 11.00am, for $10 per person, during ginning season (April-September) or by appointment.
Western Murray Land Improvement Group has been involved in co-ordinating the installation of fish screens on pump sites along the Murray River.
Fish screens act as barriers, preventing fish from being drawn into pumping systems, preserving their habitat. When utilised correctly, fish screens provide debris-free water while protecting fish and other aquatic creatures.
You're invited to attend a free Information Session at the demonstration site, where experts from NSW DPI Fisheries will present on fish screen technology, discussing its pros and cons. Local Fish Ecologist, Dr John Conallin, will also be on hand to provide insights into the local ecosystem.
When: Friday 17 May
Time: 11.00am to 2.30pm
Where: O'Neills Pump Shed, Little Forest Lane, Barham
There will be a Q&A session followed by a barbecue lunch.
Develop skills and improve farm and rural workplace safety with this free Red Cross Farm First Aid course.
Accredited trainers will share vital skills for handling accidents and injuries, promoting physical and mental wellbeing in rural workplaces. A mental wellbeing section is included to initiate conversations and raise awareness about available services for individuals, families, and friends.
Upon course completion, participants receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment in Provide First Aid (HLTAID011).
Local workshops are being held in the following locations on the following dates:
Finley – Monday 20 May
Wanganella – Tuesday 21 May
Barham – Wednesday 22 May
Moulamein – Thursday 23 May
Time: 9.00am for 9.30am start to 4.30pm
To register your interest email: kmjohanson@redcross.org.au or call 0437 873 537.
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site by mulcahymarketing.com.au