All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
Murray Irrigation’s new fully constituted Board of Directors held its first Board meeting yesterday, 20 May.
A number of key business were decisions made at this meeting, as outlined in the below update from Chair Phil Snowden.
Murray Irrigation is calling on the community to take extra care on the region's roads, as our annual Winter Works program starts getting into full swing.
Read our Winter Works media release below for more information.
Applications for Murray Irrigation's 2024 Community Sponsorship Program are closing on Monday 3 June.
Like last year, the company is looking to distribute $15,000 towards community initiatives across the footprint.
So if you know of a community project that could benefit from some extra dollars to help bring it to fruition, please get in touch by 3 June.
Applications can either be downloaded from our website (as per below), or email us and we'll send you one: marketing@murrayirrigation.com.au
Murray Irrigation's annual Community Sponsorship Program is made possible through the support of the company's customers.
Nominations are open for the 2024 SunRice Grower of the Year award.
This prestigious award celebrates trailblazers in sustainable practices, industry leaders, and innovators in farming techniques.
Nominations close 14 June.
My Climate View is a free, digital information product designed to provide Australian farmers with tailored insights into their changing climate.
Users can explore the projected changes and consider whether you may need to adapt one or more of your farm management strategies such as planting, defoliation and harvest dates, row configurations, rotations, irrigation, nutrient and herbicide applications, strategic tillage and fallowing.
This program was developed as part of the Climate Services for Agriculture program, which received funding from the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund.
What do you want out of your herd and do you know how to get there? Do you understand the data?
Jon Holland from Genetics Australia will be on hand at this free Young Dairy Network Event to answer the above questions and to provide insights into Australian Breeding Values, interpreting genetic data and how it relates to a dairy business.
This event, which is being held at Tongala tomorrow (22 May), includes a shed tour giving participants the chance to look at the cows that make it all happen!
Wednesday 22 May
10:30am - 2:00pm
167 Henderson Road, Tongala
Copyright © 2023 Murray Irrigation Pty Ltd
site by mulcahymarketing.com.au