An Operational Update with information on the transition out of Winter Operations into Regular Operation was released yesterday. Click on the button below to read.
Customers are encouraged to place orders, as early as possible, online via the Customer Portal and are reminded that that all orders, prior to the guaranteed dates, are subject to a four-day order notice period.
Regular Operations will commence in Mode 3 Normal, providing maximum order flexibility for customers with less than one days’ notice for orders.
MIL's 2024-25 Seasonal Operating Plan is now available on our website and explains the Modes of Operation and how our water delivery year operates.
To understand the service levels you can expect, the Season Operating Plan should be read in conjunction with our Customer Service Charter.
MIL's Winter maintenance program is running on schedule.
As of this morning, 87% of the 3763 work orders for Winter Works have been completed.
If you have queries, would like a site tour, or want to know more, please contact Customer Operations on 1300 138 265 or at customersupport@murrayirrigation.com.au.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
In this week's Board Spotlight, Independent Director Robert Burbury provides insight into his career in farming, agribusiness and community affairs. He also talks about the key objectives that drive his Board decisions, and why he thinks the future of Murray Irrigation is looking so bright.
The 2024 Australian Cotton Production Manual is a critical reference tool for cotton growers.
The manual is a one-stop-shop for growers, outlining all the various decisions that need to be made on-farm in preparation for, and during, cotton production.
It provides an understanding of cotton physiology and discusses important considerations for both productivity and profitability.
The Australian Cotton Production Manual is published by CRDC and CottonInfo and is updated each year to incorporate the latest research and consistent improvements in industry best practice.
Download your copy below or view it as an online flick book here.
Prepare for drought with expert trainer Peter Smith from Sapphire Irrigation.
At this workshop, to be held on Tuesday 13 August at Savernake Hall, you will learn how to develop a comprehensive plan that covers water storage, supply assessment, and demand estimation for livestock and agricultural activities.
The following topics will be covered:
For more information, please contact Riverine Plains Extension Officer Sayra Samudio sayra@riverineplains.org.au, or head over to the Riverine Plains website (below) to secure your tickets.
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site by mulcahymarketing.com.au