Murray Irrigation General Meeting
Murray Irrigation's General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 April at the Deniliquin RSL, commencing at 10.00am.
This General Meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, which will enable shareholders to participate either in person or online.
Shareholders who are not attending the General Meeting can cast their votes early and confidentially either via post or electronically.
Shareholders must be financial by 10.00am on Sunday 7 April to be eligible vote. Check here for more information.
How and when can I cast my vote?
Eligible shareholders can vote:
Read our 'How to vote' Shareholder Update for more information.
Finding the latest General Meeting information
To stay up to date with the latest General Meeting information, including the Notice of Meeting and statements from all Directors, visit:
The Fact Checker webpage has been updated with new information to address claims made in last week's media.
Director contact details
If you would like to speak with any Murray Irrigation Directors about the General Meeting, you can find their contact details on the above mentioned General Meeting webpage, or as listed below:
Phil Snowden
0427 839 217
Lachlan Marshall
Deputy Chair
0419 667 053
Brendan Barry
Shareholder Director
0427 519 481
Steven Fawns
Shareholder Director
0428 303 316
Troy Mauger
Shareholder Director
0417 375 168
Robert Burbury
Independent Director
0418 130 848
Trisha Gorman
Independent Director
0439 530 469
Daylight Saving ends on Sunday, 7 April. For customers placing water orders that end after this date, the water ordering system will automatically reduce your order by an hour to the normal finish time to enable lodgement.
Our Customer Operations staff will manually adjust all orders ending after 7 April to the correct finish time for the channel system.
For more information or assistance with orders, call Customer Operations on 1300 138 265.
Our water delivery, maintenance, and phone support services, which run from 6.30am to 6.30pm, seven days a week, will be operating as normal over Easter.
For emergencies and water delivery problems after 6.30pm, call our emergency number on 1300 657 313.
To avoid casual usage fees, remember to check your 'DE Transfer Limit' available on the Water Allocation page of your Customer Portal.
If your Delivery Entitlement (DE) transfer limit is negative, you can trade in or purchase annual delivery entitlements. If your DE limit is negative and purchases are not made by 31 March, you will incur the casual usage charge on your Quarter 3 invoice.
Casual usage fees are applied to your quarterly invoice when the megalitre usage is greater than 120% of the annual delivery entitlements on your account.
For more on tiered usage fees, see our Schedule of Charges.
The areas in green on the above map (or view via our website) will be drained as part of our Maintenance Strategy.
You can view the maintenance year for each of your outlets on the 'My Outlets' page of your Customer Portal.
As mentioned in previous editions of Talking Water, Murray Irrigation is in the process of identifying priority needs to bring our technology into the 21st century.
This week Jayne Crompton, Customer Service Team Leader, describes some of the improvements the project aims to make to our Water Exchange platform to make it more user friendly for customers.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
Murray Irrigation has developed a practical chart that illustrates the value of the Canal Agreement to shareholders, customers and the company.
This graphic also clarifies the benefit the Canal Agreement and Environmental Agreement brings to WaterWell and Delivery Entitlement fees.
For more information, or to ask any questions, please call our Customer Support Team on 1300 138 265 or email:
Need an update on current fungicide resistance status? Join this free AFREN webinar on Thursday 4 April and receive advice and ideas on best-practice disease management and resistance risks on your farm.
Dr Hari Dadu (research scientist, Agriculture Victoria) and Dr Tara Garrard (Sub-Program Leader Cereal Pathology, SARDI) will provide an update on monitoring of net and spot form net blotch resistance to fungicides.
Fungicide resistance in net blotch is widespread and it varies a lot. Variety choice is key to balancing a healthy disease management strategy, and Hari and Tara will outline strategies for growers to consider to minimise resistance risks.
This one-hour webinar commences at 1.00pm.
This free one-hour lunchtime livestream, which is being held on Monday 11 April from1.00pm, will explore pre sowing tactics.
A live question and answer session will be included.
Harvester technician Brett Asphar will look at strategies for aircart set up and the fundamentals of seeder bar function, while Ash Wallace from Agriculture Victoria will share some early results from NGN inspired trial work to understand interactions between stubble loads, seeding systems and canola establishment.
The On Farm Connectivity Program provides eligible Equipment Suppliers with up to $30,000 rebate for sales of digital farming technology to eligible Primary Producers to help improve their connectivity and productivity.
Some of the eligible items are:
To determine your eligibility, head to or apply by 31 Mary 2024 through (as per below).
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