Winter maintenance works remain on schedule, though if rain continues this may change. Aligned with this, the transition out of Winter Operations into Regular Operations is underway.
Diversions to fill the Mulwala Canal have recommenced through the Mulwala offtake, with more updates expected shortly.
2023 Maintenance Areas remain closed to enable the safe completion of the winter works program.
In non-maintenance areas, non-guaranteed deliveries continue to be available. Please place orders online via the Customer Portal. All orders are reviewed daily, and customers advised when delivery can occur.
The Customer Portal, the Water Exchange (WEX), internal and external transfers re-opened on Saturday 1 July.
Your Customer Portal gives you 24/7 access to:
· Water ordering
· Buying and selling temporary water on the Water Exchange
· Maintenance year for all your outlets
· Your Water Allocation Report, and
· Internal transfers of temporary water and delivery entitlements to and from Murray Irrigation accounts.
If you need a hand using the Customer Portal, give us a call on 1300 138 265 or pop into our office.
If you are not planning to use your Stock & Domestic pipe outlet this season, you can apply to remove the 2 ML of usage.
Complete this application form, pay the fee (see Schedule of Standard Service Fees Annexure B) and submit before close of business on Friday 29 September 2023.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
Nominations for three Member Director vacancies on Murray Irrigation's Board of Directors are now open.
Candidates have until 5.00pm Tuesday 1 August to submit their nominations.
Eligible nominees must be either shareholders of Murray Irrigation or an authorised representative of a company which is a shareholder of Murray Irrigation.
Successful candidates will be appointed for a four-year term, commencing at the conclusion of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
All information, including a formal nomination form, is available on Murray Irrigation's company page below.
If you have any enquiries, please contact Murray Irrigation on 1300 138 265 or email: companysecretary@murrayirrigation.com.au
Murray Irrigation has received a fantastic response to this year's Community Sponsorship Program, with almost 20 submissions received.
It was great to learn about all the wonderful initiatives that are happening in our region, driven by passionate community groups.
Each application was assessed by a Review Panel against the program selection criteria.
With that process now complete, we're pleased to announce the five recipients of Murray Irrigation's 2023 Community Sponsorship Program are:
· Berrigan War Memorial Swimming Pool has received $500 to purchase equipment to help young children how to swim.
· Berriquin Community Toy Library has been allocated $1,500 towards relaunching this volunteer initiative after a seven-year recess.
· Deniliquin High School has been awarded $5,000 to establish a sensory garden that will cater for the needs of students with disabilities.
· The Local Health Medical Trust has been allotted $3,000 to support the charity group's ongoing fundraising efforts to enhance health services for the Barham community.
· Wakool Services Club has been allocated $5,000 towards upgrading its existing toilet amenities to ambulant/disability facilities, ensuring access for all guests and visitors.
The amount allocated for the above five projects totals $15,000.
We extend a warm thank you to our shareholders and customers for the ongoing support you provide that makes our annual sponsorship program possible.
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) announced a 55% allocation for general security licence holders on the NSW Murray regulated river on Saturday 1 July.
All customers who received allocation were sent an SMS to advise the amount of water credited and their total account balance.
You can subscribe here to receive the Department’s regular fortnightly allocation updates, typically published on the 1st and the 15th day of the month, or the next business day, until full allocations are reached.
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has imposed a temporary suspension on interstate trades into the NSW Murray, Lower Darling and Murrumbidgee regulated water sources until at least 31 August.
Guest speakers Rob Brown, from Peppin Family Consulting, and legal advisor Matthew Grogan will be on hand at this Succession Planning Day to discuss:
This event, which is exclusive to dairy farmers, will be held at the Kyabram Club on 20 July, commencing at 10.00am.
Riverine Plains is hosting a Youth in Ag event at Rutherglen on 27 July.
This event will provide guests networking opportunities with peers and industry experts, in a structured mentoring session and a panel discussion.
Topics discussed on the day will include:Data managements and decision making
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