Murray Irrigation General Meeting
Murray Irrigation's General Meeting will be held this Wednesday, 10 April, at 10.00am.
This General Meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, which will enable shareholders to participate either in person or online.
For shareholders attending in person, the meeting will be held at the Deniliquin RSL Club, 72 End Street, with registrations opening at 9.30am.
Online attendees can watch live by logging in at:
Voting at this Wednesday's General Meeting
With postal and early online voting now closed, shareholders who have not yet cast their vote will have the opportunity to do so confidentially during the General Meeting proceedings either online (via this link or in person (using voting cards provided on registration at the meeting), from 9.30am until the conclusion of the General Meeting.
For information on how to participate and cast your vote online during the General Meeting proceedings, please follow the instructions outlined in the Hybrid Meeting Online Guide.
For more information on the General Meeting please visit or contact the Company Secretary on 1300 138 265 or
Director contact details
If you would like to speak with any Murray Irrigation Directors about the General Meeting, you can find their contact details on the above mentioned General Meeting webpage, or as listed below:
Phil Snowden
0427 839 217
Lachlan Marshall
Deputy Chair
0419 667 053
Brendan Barry
Shareholder Director
0427 519 481
Steven Fawns
Shareholder Director
0428 303 316
Troy Mauger
Shareholder Director
0417 375 168
Robert Burbury
Independent Director
0418 130 848
Trisha Gorman
Independent Director
0439 530 469
WaterNSW has released a trade notification about Barmah Choke Trade. Please click the button below to read this notice.
Customers are reminded to seek approval before discharging water into Murray Irrigation’s drainage system.
Discharge must be via a drainage inlet and is subject to approval after completion of an application form, which can be downloaded below.
Below is a chart showing the water allocation remaining in customer accounts on 1 April for the last five years.
Don't forget to check your water allocation account balances ahead of season’s end.
You can find these details in your Water Allocation Report in the Customer Portal, or you can give us a call on 1300 138 265.
The areas in green on the above map (or view via our website) will be drained as part of our Maintenance Strategy.
You can view the maintenance year for each of your outlets on the 'My Outlets' page of your Customer Portal.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
In recognition of the difficult circumstances Murray Irrigation and its shareholders are currently facing, the company has this week announced it is extending its Employee Assistance Program (EAP) free of charge to all shareholders until 28 April.
Throughout this period, AccessEAP is also providing an additional dedicated phone support service, where 30-minute confidential counselling sessions can be pre-booked.
In addition, Murray Irrigation has organised for an AccessEAP Clinical Response Counsellor to be onsite on Wednesday 10 April and Thursday 11 April between 10am-4pm which shareholders are more than welcome to utilise.
This service is entirely confidential and available to all shareholders who feel they need extra care and support through this time.
More details are available in the Shareholder Update below.
As previously communicated to shareholders, the Supreme Court of NSW approved an application by Murray Irrigation to appoint Riverina Sustainable LWMP Pty Ltd (Riverina Sustainable) as the replacement trustee of the Land and Water Management Plans (LWMP) on 29 February 2024.
You can read a copy of the related Shareholder Update here.
Murray Irrigation is pleased to confirm these funds, less legal costs, have now been transferred to Riverina Sustainable, and this matter is now complete.
Dairy Farm Business Analysis is designed to assist farmers and their advisers to better understand and analyse farm business performance.
It uses DairyBase and covers the importance of getting annual farm physical and financial numbers right, how to interpret farm performance and how to understand cash, profit and wealth for a dairy farm business using DairyBase reports.
This course is recommended for all dairy farmers and their advisers.
Commencing Wednesday, 24 April, this program will be delivered over seven weeks and will be facilitated by Dairy Business Consultant Fiona Smith and Dairy Australia's Agribusiness Program Lead Greg Duncan.
RGA Landcare is managing a project to assist in preparing landholders for future dry periods and how they can manage their available stock water effectively.
As part of this project they are looking for expressions of interest from landholders to establish demonstration sites that will showcase best stock water management practices. This may include the installation of stock troughs, fencing of dams or the installation of remote monitoring equipment.
Sites can be located in the dryland or irrigation areas of the Murray Valley catchment.
For more information contact Local Landcare Coordinator, Janet Manzin, on 0438 719 628 or click the button below.
This free one-hour lunchtime livestream, which is being held this Thursday 11 April at 1.00pm, will focus on air cart / seeder bar set up and canola establishment.
A live question and answer session will be included.
Harvester technician Brett Asphar will look at strategies for aircart set up and the fundamentals of seeder bar function, while Ash Wallace from Agriculture Victoria will share some early results from NGN inspired trial work to understand interactions between stubble loads, seeding systems and canola establishment.
GRDC online events are topic specific, interactive, interview style discussions that address the application of new and relevant information to the latest farming systems.
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