Dear Customer,
From 1 July 2024, Murray Irrigation’s fixed and variable fees and prices will increase.
Murray Irrigation’s Board of Directors approved the company’s 2024-25 financial year budget at its 20 May 2024 meeting. A key component of the budget is fees and prices. As promised during the business modernisation review, fees and prices increases will be capped at CPI, which for 2024-25 is 3.5%, aside from government pass-through charges.
This year’s fees and prices increase, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on 20 May 2024, are as follows:
1. A CPI increase of 3.5% to all fixed and variable charges and,
2. no fee increases to the Stock and Domestic outlets.
The Board understands the increasing financial pressures businesses and families are being placed under across Australia. To this end, we have endeavoured to keep fees as low as possible while still ensuring the cost of providing a sustainable water delivery service and maintaining infrastructure is provided for now and for generations to come.
Relevant government pass through charges have increased and are set by the NSW Independent Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). These charges are passed on by Murray Irrigation to our customers and have been listed accordingly in our Schedule of Charges. They can also be viewed on the WaterNSW website at
Please find enclosed Murray Irrigation’s Schedule of Charges for 2024-25 (Annexure A to the Fees and Prices Policy). The Schedule of Charges is effective from 1 July 2024.
Murray Irrigation is required by the Water Charge Rules 2010 (Cth) to provide all customers with a copy of its Schedule of Charges 10 business days prior to the fees applying. Murray Irrigation’s Schedule of Charges is also available on our website under ‘Customer Resources’ then ‘Finance and My Account’, then ‘Fees and Prices’.
Please contact our Customer Experience team on 1300 138 265 with any queries or if you require further information.
Yours sincerely,
Phil Snowden
Ron McCalman
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