Murray Irrigation AGM

8 November 2024

Murray Irrigation is seeking to confirm the appointment of five company directors at its 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM).


The meeting will be held on Wednesday November 27 from 10.00am at the Deniliquin RSL Club, with registrations to commence at 9.30am. 


Similar to 2023, this will be a hybrid meeting which will enable shareholders to attend either in person or online.


As part of this year's AGM, shareholders will be asked to support the appointment of four Member Directors, Gabrielle Coupland, Noel Graham AM, Geoff McLeod and Leanne Small, who were appointed by the company earlier this year to fill casual Board vacancies made available following a general meeting.   


Shareholders will also be asked to vote on the appointment of Non-Member Director, Robert Burbury, for another three-year term.


The biographies of these five directors are available on Murray Irrigation's website:


An additional resolution seeks to increase the aggregate sum of remuneration to company directors from $400,000 to $500,000, and that from July 1, 2026 it be adjusted by annual CPI.


Chair Phil Snowden said the Board unanimously supports all six resolutions that will be put to the vote.


He considers the appointment of the four Member Directors, and the reappointment of Mr Burbury for a second term, as crucial to maintaining stability at both Board and company level.


“These five Directors have all undertaken a rigorous recruitment process and have been appointed as Murray Irrigation Directors due to their varied strengths and skills that complement the Board,” Mr Snowden said.



"A strong, skilled Board is paramount to supporting Murray Irrigation to navigating the range of external factors the industry and our community are currently facing, including water buybacks.


"For this reason, I cannot over-emphasise the importance of shareholders taking the opportunity to cast their votes at the upcoming AGM."


Shareholders who are attending the AGM in person or online will be able to vote directly during the meeting.

For shareholders who wish to vote ahead of the AGM, online voting is open from now until 10.00am Monday 25 November. In line with the company's constitution, all proxy forms must also be received by Murray Irrigation before this time.

To be eligible to vote, a shareholder must have paid all fees presently due and payable to the Company by the shareholder by 10:00am on Sunday 24 November, that is, at least 72 hours before the meeting.

Shareholders who have a formal payment arrangement in place and are meeting the terms of their arrangement as at 10:00am on Sunday 24 November are also eligible to vote.

The Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting, which includes the meeting agenda, details on resolutions, directions to complete your voting/proxy form, Murray Irrigation's 2024 Annual Report and instructions on how to attend and vote at the AGM virtually can be found on the company's AGM website:


Media contact

Steph Buller

M: 0447486934


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