Murray Irrigation's Learn to Swim program notches 20 plus years

21 October 2024

Murray Irrigation is hoping to see hundreds of children across the region head to the pool this summer, with applications for its 2024/25 Learn to Swim program now open.

Each season, the company offers funding to schools and swimming clubs across its area of operation, contributing $10 for every child who completes an accredited learn to swim activity.

The program is Murray Irrigation's most significant community sponsorship undertaking, with an estimated 20,000 plus children involved since its inception in 2003. 

Murray Irrigation Chief Executive Officer, Ron McCalman, said the Learn to Swim initiative is a reflection of the company's ongoing commitment to the community and, most importantly, to helping ensure children know how to stay safe around water.

"Water safety has long been a cause close to our heart, and we have been sponsoring local children to participate in swimming and water safety lessons for 20 plus years through this program," Mr McCalman said.

“Living in an area where rivers, dams and irrigation channels are part of our everyday lives, water safety is a necessary skill for our children, which is why each year we offer funding to schools and swimming clubs across our service footprint.”

Twenty-five students from Mayrung Public School were among the 1000 plus children from across the region to participate in Murray Irrigation's Learn to Swim Program last year. 


The students spent five days in the water as part of an intensive water safety and swimming coaching program at Jerilderie Pool. 

Mayrung Public School students enjoying their time in the water at Jerilderie Pool, during their Learn to Swim sessions last year.

School Principal, Julie Eason, said the students thoroughly enjoyed their time in the pool.

"Murray Irrigation has provided us with grants over many years, which helps our students gain vital skills to stay safe in the water," she said.


"It is a welcome initiative and we are looking forward to Murray Irrigation's continued support this year." 


Murray Irrigation's Learn to Swim program is made possible through the support of the company's customers.


Media contact

Steph Buller

M: 0447486934


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