Murray Irrigation has received five eligible nominations for three Member Director positions on the company’s Board.
A Member Director election will be conducted via electronic voting during September 2023.
The candidates (whose order have been determined by random draw) are:
Details on how to vote will be sent to shareholders prior to the ballot opening on 4 September 2023.
To be eligible to vote, shareholders must have paid all accounts presently due and payable by 5.00pm Thursday 31 August 2023. This is a requirement of the company’s Constitution.
Chief Executive Officer, Ron McCalman, said the company has again opted to conduct its Member Director Election electronically.
“Electronic voting provides shareholders with greater access to participate in the election and have their say,” Mr McCalman said.
“We received record participation when electronic voting was first introduced in the 2021 Member Director election, and we are pleased to provide shareholders with the same service again this election.
“I encourage all shareholders to participate and cast their vote during the Member Director election.”
The three Member Director vacancies arise from the four-year rotation of these positions, as required by the company's Constitution.
Directors elected as a result of the ballot will take office immediately after the completion of the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM). They will hold office until the completion of the 2027 AGM.
Further information on the candidates, including candidate statements, together with company information and frequently asked questions, can be found on Murray Irrigation’s website
Murray Irrigation has conducted standard Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) checks and routine due diligence on each candidate to ensure they are eligible for nomination.
Nathan Holahan
Company Secretary
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