WaterWell announcement
Murray Irrigation is seeking to gather customer input on a new Forward Allocation Product we are planning to introduce to WaterWell.
Management will incorporate customer feedback into a final recommendation that will be presented to the Murray Irrigation Board in February 2024 for consideration.
Murray Irrigation is considering the following two options:
Option A
Maximise the value of the water sales by offering a smaller volume of water at a higher price. This could mean some of the water may leave the footprint towards higher valued crops.
This option would sell an annual 30GL Forward Allocation Product through a third party. It would be initially offered on an exclusive basis to Murray Irrigation Delivery Entitlement Holders, before entering the open market.
Option B
Encourage the water to be used within the footprint and sell a greater volume of water at a lower price.
This option would sell an annual 40GL Forward Allocation Product through a third party. It would be initially offered on an exclusive basis to Murray Irrigation Delivery Entitlement Holders, before entering the open market.
To choose your preferred option, just login to your customer portal, click WaterWell, then Forward Allocation Product and follow the prompts.
For more information, visit the website www.murrayirrigation.com.au/forward-allocation-product or contact Customer Operations on 1300 138 265.
Please register your preference prior to
19 January 2024
to ensure your option is considered as part of Management’s recommendations to the Board.
Due to forecast hot weather, increasing demand on the river system and potential constraints from WaterNSW and MDBA, customers are asked to ensure you place your orders as early as possible.
To guarantee the supply of water on the day you require it, four days notice is required.
For more information, read our 2023-24 Season Operating Plan and Distribution Rules below.
We are continuing an increased weed management program throughout the summer months to assist in combating the perfect weather for weed growth. We are inspecting channels regularly and monitoring the system 24/7 through our control system.
To assist us with our weed management program, we ask customers to please report any weed or blow grass blockages you observe.
Reporting any weeds or blow grass blockages will allow us to action these issues as soon as possible and minimise the impact on your order.
Weeds in the Caldwell main channel at Barham Road intersection, early December 2023.
Weeds in the Bunnaloo main channel looking upstream from Barham Road towards Bunnaloo 11 Offtake, early December 2023.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
Our Farm Our Plan gives farmers the opportunity to share their plans for the future, with the key decision makers in their business through the Now Where How process.
This is a free workshop hosted by Dairy Australia.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) has released updated editions of two essential herbicide manuals for Australian grain growers:
These manuals, first published in 2019 and 2020, have undergone a revision that incorporates the latest in herbicide research and practice, including the transition to an international numbering system for herbicide mode of action.
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