Talking Water - Tuesday 17 September, 2024

Shareholder discussion groups start tomorrow

Murray Irrigation's shareholder discussion groups commence tomorrow, Wednesday 18 September, and will run through until Friday, 29 September. 
All shareholders who responded to our recent Registration of Interest have been contacted and allocated a meeting.
As of today (17 September), a total 19 meetings have been confirmed for various dates and locations throughout the footprint, as seen on the below map. The number of meetings may evolve according to additional shareholder demand. 
The purpose of these meetings is to gather constructive shareholder input on how we can work together to minimise the impact of buybacks on Murray Irrigation, customers and the local community. 

The discussion groups will be hosted by shareholders, with key management personnel and Board Directors in attendance. This small meeting format has been adopted based on what the majority of shareholders requested in the Registration of Interest process. 
Thank you to all shareholders who have offered to host a meeting. 
For shareholders who may not yet have expressed an interest to attend but would like to do so, we are happy to schedule additional meetings to suit your location. 

Please contact our Customer Experience team on 1300 138 265 to discuss. 

This week's contents


  • NSW Government Allocation Announcement
  • Casual usage charges
  • Talking Water data 


  • Henty Field Days
  • Summer Cropping Discussion - Pretty Pine
  • Farm Walk & Talk - Deniliquin 

Operational Update

NSW Government Allocation Announcement

The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) announced no increase to General Security entitlements for the NSW Murray yesterday. 

The total cumulative allocation remains at 44% for the 2024-25 water year. 

You can subscribe to the Department’s updates by email and download the announcement 

Casual usage charges

To avoid casual usage fees, please remember to check your 'DE Transfer Limit' available on the Water Allocation page of your Customer Portal

If your DE transfer limit is negative, you can trade in or purchase annual delivery entitlements on the Water Exchange before 5.00pm on Monday 30 September to avoid the casual usage charge. 

Casual usage fees are applied to your quarterly invoice when the megalitre usage is greater than 120% of the annual delivery entitlements on your account. 

For more on tiered usage fees, you can check out our Schedule of Charges below.

2024-25 Schedule of Charges

Talking Water data 17/09/2024

All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below. 

View delivery, channel flows and temporary trade data

To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page. 

View MDBA storage and river data

The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy. 

Industry News

Heading to Henty Field Days?

Murray and Riverina Local Land Services will be at the Henty Machinery Field Days, which opened today and runs until Thursday 19 September. 

The friendly team will be available throughout the three days to advise on biosecurity, livestock health, agriculture and horticulture, stock management, crops, pastures, ecosystems, weed and pest control and more. 

Local Land Services teams in attendance will include:

  • District Vets
  • Emergency management and Biosecurity advisors
  • Agriculture team
  • Native vegetation planners
  •  Native animals and plant specialists
  • Waterway and wetland specialists
  • Travelling stock reserve rangers.

The Henty Field Days is a great opportunity for landholders to access all the experts, advice and support they need in one place.

You can find the Local Land Services shed at site 311, on the corner of 5th Ag Place and 4th Farm Avenue.

Visit the Henty Machinery Filed Days website for tickets and information. 

Henty Field Days website

Summer Cropping Discussion - Pretty Pine

Are you preparing for your Summer cropping?

Join Local Land Services and Sefton Agronomics for a Summer Cropping Discussion this Friday 20 September at the Pretty Pine Hall (Cobb Highway).

Rice specialist Greg Sefton and cotton specialist Ella Arnold will be on hand to discuss:

  • Fertiliser, water and timing considerations
  • Gross margins
  • Other factors
  • General maize information.

Bring along your neighbours and any questions you have regarding this Summer's cropping season.

The event runs from 7.30am to 10.00am, with a barbecue breakfast provided.

Please RSVP to Rebecca Stacey, Senior Land Services Officer- Mixed Farming: or 0436 342 086. 

Farm Walk & Talk - Deniliquin 

Do you know how much stock and domestic water you have stored on your farm?

Do you know how much you should have, and how to get it where you need it in drier seasons?

The Ricegrowers' Association is holding a Farm Walk & Talk event at Richard Bull’s family farm, located at Lindifferon Lane, Deniliquin, for all landholders (not just rice growers) this Thursday 19 September, from 10.00am to 2:30pm.

This event will cover topics such as stock water supply assessment, estimating livestock and farm activity demand and best management practices for enhancing and improving stock water quality and efficiency.

You will also have the opportunity to see the stock water system Richard has in place and hear about his plans for the future. 

Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP to Janet Manzin: 0438 719 628.

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