Talking Water - Tuesday 18 February 2025

This week's contents


  • NSW Government Allocation Announcement
  • Water delivery performance
  • Talking Water data


  • Irrigation Innovation Farm Tour
  • IPART water pricing review update


  • Finishing lambs - Does it pay?
  • Healthy Dams, Reliable Water Workshop

Operational Update

NSW Government Allocation Announcement

After an assessment of NSW Murray General Security entitlements by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) announced a 48% increase in General Security entitlements yesterday.
The total cumulative allocation remains at 110% for the 2024/25 water year. 
You can subscribe to the Department’s updates by email and download the announcement 

This increase has triggered the 3 per cent Resource Distribution as announced in our Customer Update last week. You can read a copy of this Customer Update below. 

This announcement follows the 5 per cent Allocation Advance, 5 per cent Water Users Credit and the $7M Sustainability Product all announced earlier in the 2024/25 season.   

WaterWell product announcement - 13 February

Water delivery performance 10/02/2025 - 16/02/2025

Talking Water data 18/02/2025

All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below. 

Click here to view delivery, channel flows and temporary trade data

To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, including dam heights, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page. 

Click here to view MDBA storage, dam heights and river data

The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy. 

Business News

Irrigation Innovation Farm Tour

Thank you to everyone who attended Murray Irrigation's Irrigation Innovation Farm Tour last Thursday.
We had around 40 join us for this pilot initiative, which was designed to foster collaboration, innovation and shared learning among irrigators in our footprint. 
In separate morning and afternoon sessions, participants got the chance to gather a range of insights into some of the farming practices and strategies being implemented by fellow irrigators in the footprint. 
It was great to see the group embrace the networking spirit of the tour, chatting and sharing experiences with each other over the course of the day. 
Murray Irrigation hopes participants gained plenty of value from this event - and enjoyed it as much as we did.
We also exte
nd our thanks to farm hosts Nathan Pate (Tocumwal) and the Macdonald family (Blighty).

IPART water pricing review

Murray Irrigation, in conjunction with our two neighbouring Irrigation Infrastructure Operators, Murrumbidgee Irrigation and Coleambally Irrigation, met with IPART CEO Andrew Nicholls last week to discuss the review the Tribunal is currently undertaking into water price increases proposed by WaterNSW and the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation (WAMC). 
The conversation was positive, with Mr Nicholls indicating that IPART is still working through the enormous amount of material received in more than 200 submissions, as well as information provided by the relevant statutory bodies. You can read a copy of Murray Irrigation's submission below. 
While IPART acknowledges the significance of the price rise that is being proposed, both in terms of percentages and actual dollars, it has not yet formed a preliminary view on the merits of the proposition.
Murray Irrigation will continue to keep shareholders and customers updated with any new information regarding this matter as it comes to hand. 

Murray Irrigation IPART submission

Industry News

Finishing lambs - Does it pay?

Are you looking to fine tune your lamb finishing practices?

Or perhaps learn more to opportunistically finish lambs when the markets are looking good?

Local Land Services invites you to attend a breakfast session featuring expert presenter Geoff Duddy talking all things finishing lambs. 

Come along to brush up on: 

  • Market trends and outlooks 
  •  Economics – does it pay? 
  • Infrastructure requirements/considerations 
  • Rations and requirements – dos and don’ts 
  • Paddock supplementation/finishing. 

This event can be attended in person at the Deniliquin Golf Club on Wednesday 5 March from 7.30am - 11.00am.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Stacey: or call 0436 342 086. 

Register here

Health Dams, Reliable Water Workshop

Ensure your farm has clean, reliable water - even when the tap runs dry. 

Join Western Murray Land Improvement Group for this stock and farm water management workshop, led by local experts, to help you secure your farm’s water supply for the toughest times.

What will be covered:

  • Accurately assessing stock and farm water requirements
  • Estimating tank and dam capacities
  • Identifying and calculating water losses
  • Tips for renovating, rehabilitating, or replacing your dam
  • Strategies for protecting and improving your water resources.

These free workshops are open to everyone! 

Don’t miss the chance to connect with experts one-on-one, discuss your specific water needs, and work through practical, step-by-step solutions to future-proof your farm's water supply.

Dates and details:

Wednesday 19 February | 10.00am-3.00pm | 27 Thule Street, Barham
Thursday 20 February | 2.00pm - 6.00pm | 27 Thule Street, Barham
Wednesday 26 February | 1.00pm - 3.00pm | Online webinar 

Book your spot

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