Daylight savings commences on Sunday, 1 October 2023.
This means that if you are placing an order to end after this date, the ordering system will automatically increase the order by an hour to the normal finish time to enable lodgement.
Our team will manually adjust all operating orders ending after 1 October to the correct operating time for the channel system.
For more information, please don't hesitate to call us on 1300 138 265 or email: customersupport@murrayirrigation.com.au
To avoid casual usage fees, remember to check your 'DE Transfer Limit' available on your Customer Portal, Water Allocation page.
If your DE transfer limit is negative, you can trade in or purchase annual delivery entitlements on the Water Exchange.
Casual usage fees are applied to your quarterly invoice when the megalitre usage is greater than 120% of the annual delivery entitlements on your account.
For more on tiered usage fees, you can check out our Schedule of Charges.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Murray Irrigation's Customer Information Sessions last week.
These events attracted a pleasing turnout, with more than 160 customers joining us over the course of three sessions held at Deniliquin, Finley and Wakool.
Your keen interest in the direction that Murray Irrigation is undertaking to deliver long-term stability to the business is very much appreciated.
There were a number of issues and questions raised throughout the three meetings. Key themes across all the meetings centred around shareholder consultation throughout the business review process, the fund size, company investments and the temporary sales of water. We thank you for coming prepared with your questions and concerns and we will be responding to all the questions raised in the coming weeks.
Your views and questions are important to us. If you have any more questions or feedback relating to the business review and/or the Board's chosen strategy for long-term financial stability, please feel free to call us on 1300 138 265 or email: review@murrayirrigation.com.au
Murray Irrigation is progressing with the development and implementation of an action plan in response to our
2022 Flood Event Drainage System Review Findings & Recommendations Report.
As part of this process, we are seeking further customer feedback on any aspect of our drainage assets which did not perform as intended, or where upgrades could be made.
Customers who spoke with our independent consultant, SAFCOM Risk Management, during the review process earlier this year will be contacted by a member of our team shortly.
Alternatively, customers who may not have been involved in the initial independent review and would now like to participate, can contact Customer Support on 1300 138 265 or email: customersupport@murrayirrigation.com.au
The feedback you provide will assist us to further improve our processes and identify potential enhancements to our drainage system.
We are now just over halfway into Murray Irrigation's 2023 Member Director election.
Shareholders have until
9.00am AEDT Monday 2 October 2023 to cast their vote for three Member Director positions that are available on the company’s Board .
The five candidates who are contesting this year’s ballot are (order has been determined by random draw):
We are conducting this year's ballot electronically using independent third-party provider, Vero Voting. If you are yet to receive your voting details, please contact Vero Voting on T: 1300 702 898 (between 10.30am and 7.00pm AEST). If calling outside of these hours, you will be able to leave a message with your contact number and a Vero Voting representative will return your call.
A 'How to vote' instruction guide is available on our website to help step you through the process.
Shareholders who may not have internet access are more than welcome to drop-in to our Deniliquin or Finley office between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, to cast their vote.
Further information about our 2023 Member Direction election, including candidate statements, our 'How to vote' guide, frequently asked questions and how Murray Irrigation’s optional preferential voting system works, can be found on Murray Irrigation's website.
Canola trials, disease management tactics, farming systems insights and key data from the Grains Research and Development’s (GRDC) National Variety Trials will be on offer to growers and agronomists as part of a canola focused field day being hosted at Wagga Wagga's Agricultural Institute on 22 September.
Highlights of this day-long event include:
Seize the opportunity on 4 October to hear from experts about herbicide resistance across the region.
Researchers John Broster and Peter Boutsalis will discuss the survey findings of resistant species while local Weedsmart agronomist, Greg Condon, will share various strategies that can be used to reduce the overall weed burden.
The event will also include an Agrifutures Research Update and a field walk to the Riverine Plains and Uncle Toby's
research paddock, looking into practices that aim to reduce ryegrass populations over time.
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