Here are a few tips to help you when using the Water Exchange (WEX):
When buying:
When selling:
If you’re unfamiliar with the WEX, how to list water for sale, how to purchase, or just want a hand, please give us a call: 1300 138 265.
For more details read our User Guide and the WEX T&Cs.
We are in the process of contacting customers to ask about your watering intentions for the Autumn period. This will allow us to plan for any potential restrictions and proactively work with customers to deliver water and prepare for the upcoming Winter Works Program.
Please start to consider your Autumn irrigation plans, including outlets, crop type, area and flow rate.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
MIL's annual Community Sponsorship Program has made a splash with local kids who have been spending time in the water at the Berrigan War Memorial Swimming Pool this summer.
The local Pool Committee has used funding received through the company's annual grants program to purchase goggles for local children, to help promote water confidence and swimming skills.
Thanks to our customers, whose support makes MIL's annual sponsorship program possible.
You can read more in our media release below.
The West Berriquin Landholders Association is hosting its AGM next Wednesday, 7 February.
The meeting will be held at the Deni Ute Muster HQ, commencing at 6.00pm.
Contact Mic Clark 0427 600 285 or Sharni Hood 0439 017 642.
The Natural Resources Commission is reviewing the NSW Murray and Lower Daring Regulated Rivers Water Sharing Plan (WSP) and invites submissions by 5:00 PM Sunday, 25 February 2024.
The Commission is specifically interested in comments about the environmental, social, economic, and cultural outcomes of the plan, and where changes to the plan may improve these outcomes.
You can read the current WSP here.
More details about the Review and how to make a submission are available on the Commission’s website.
Are you farming sustainably and ethically? There are opportunities for farmers who are doing so to get more in their pocket for the products they sell.
You can find out more about ESG (also known as Environmental, Social and Governance), at the Murray Local Land Services' ESG: What’s In it for Me? Conference, being held at Finley Returned Soldiers Club on 6 March from 12.00pm - 4.00pm.
Topics include:
Dairy Australia invites you to learn more about soil health at its upcoming Soils 101 seminar, which is being held at Tongala on Tuesday 13 February.
This event is free for attendees and includes a barbecue lunch.
Copyright © 2023 Murray Irrigation Pty Ltd
site by mulcahymarketing.com.au