Murray Irrigation, the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and WaterNSW have worked collaboratively to allow customer access to irrigation water longer into autumn.
DPE has placed an order to be delivered into the Edward and Wakool rivers from 2 June, following WaterNSW maintenance on Stevens Weir.
The Mulwala offtake will remain open until
1 June, which will allow the areas listed below access to irrigation water.
The Mulwala Canal will commence draining on 1 June for critical works* as outlined in last week’s Talking Water.
There is no change to the guaranteed water delivery dates for Planned Maintenance Areas published last week.
5pm Friday 23 June – closure of the Water Exchange (WEX).
5pm Monday 26 June – closure of external transfers to / from Murray Irrigation.
5pm Tuesday 27 June – closure of internal transfers and access to Customer Portal.
7am Saturday 1 July
– re-opening Water Exchange (WEX) and Customer Portal.
Here are a few hints to help when you use the Water Exchange (WEX):
When buying
NOTE: We cannot undo a purchase, because once you click, a binding contract is in place.
When selling
You can read the WEX Terms & Conditions for all the details about how our Water Exchange operates.
If you’re unfamiliar with the WEX, how to list water for sale, how to purchase, or just want a hand – please call us!
Thank you to all customers who have worked with our team on Landholder Funded Works over recent months. Many of these works, including emplacement of new outlets and access culverts, have already been completed.
The deadline for work to be scheduled in this
winter works program was 1 April 2023 for the proposal scope, design, and final agreement.
You’re welcome to contact us if you want landholder funded works completed, such as outlet upgrade or a stock & domestic pipe installed. Please note, however, that this work will not be undertaken until the beginning of next season at the earliest.
WaterNSW has announced that the Stevens Weir pool level will be gradually lowered from 15 May 2023 following the completion of irrigation supply requirements.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
Our Customer Engagement Team was thrilled to see this brand-new direct pump site installed and ready for action during a recent visit to one of our customers.
Murray Irrigation has worked closely with this landholder to remove a tired old bridge and install this key infrastructure, which now enables them to water parts of their property that were previously dryland only.
This work has been undertaken through Murray Irrigation’s Asset Maintenance Renewal Reserve (AMRR) Rationalisation Project, which aims to reduce ageing company infrastructure and rewards participating customers via a temporary Water Incentive or agreed works.
It’s great to see the positive outcomes this collaboration has generated for both our customer and for Murray Irrigation - saving large costs on asset replacement, enabling secure access to irrigation water and encouraging water use within the footprint.
Whilst at the customer’s property, our team also took the opportunity to grab a snap of their good-looking summer sorghum crop!
If you're interested in finding out more about Murray Irrigation's AMRR Rationalisation Project, please feel free to reach out to member of our Customer Engagement Team on: 1300 138 265.
Foreign residents who own agricultural land and certain water rights are required to register these rights with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
In accordance with Murray Irrigation’s Constitution (Rule 116) members must also give notice to the company if they are, become or cease to be a foreign person during a financial year (1 July to 30 June).
A person, or entity, is classified as ‘foreign’ if they are not an Australian resident for tax purposes.
If this situation applies to you, then full details – including information about the new Register of Foreign Ownership of Australian Assets to be introduced on 1 July 2023 – are available on the ATO’s website.
To report your foreign ownership status, please call Customer Operations on 1300 138 265 or email customersupport@murrayirrigation.com.au
The Department of Planning and Environment's Water group is holding a series of information sessions about the non-urban metering framework in the southern inland region.
There will be a session in Deniliquin on 17 May at the Deniliquin RSL Club, from 10.00am.
Water users are invited to come along to find out about the new requirements, what they mean to you, and what you need to do to comply.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority is hosting its annual regional water conference, River Reflections, on 14 and 15 June.
Tickets are on sale to attend in person in Narrabri, NSW. You can also attend most sessions online via live streaming at no cost.
Nuffield Australia is awarding up to 20 scholarships to farmers this year, valued at $35,000 each.
These scholarships give Australian farmers the opportunity to study farming practices in New Zealand, Europe, and the Americas, and to share their findings to increase practical farming knowledge and management skills and techniques for drought and resilience, across cotton, grains, dairy, wool, and horticulture.
Applications are open now to Australian citizens, typically aged between 28-45, who are engaged in farming, horticulture, fishing, or associated industries - and close on Friday, 9 June 2023.
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site by mulcahymarketing.com.au