In this update:
- Information on WaterNSW and WAMC pricing increases
- Creating your own submission to IPART
- Murray Irrigation’s submission to IPART
As communicated via Customer Update on 1 November 2024 (Customer Update - IPART 2025-2030 water price review: Have your say), the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) released the WaterNSW and the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation (WAMC) 2025-2030 Pricing Proposal, which is seeking significant price increases for the five years from 1 July 2025. These increases are outlined in the below table.
The above figures do not include inflation. This means that the actual cost of bills will more than triple over this period if IPART accepts the proposals in their current form.
Murray Irrigation strongly opposes these price increases, and is in the process of finalising a formal submission to voice our concerns.
Creating your own submission to IPART
You can make your own submission to IPART via the below link. Every submission from those impacted by the steep rise in charges strengthens our ability to meaningfully influence IPART's decision. We strongly encourage customers to please take the time to make a submission prior to the deadline on Monday 9 December.
If you need assistance in making a submission, please contact Customer Support on 1300 138 265.
Below are some key themes/ideas you could include in your submissions to IPART:
Highlight the impact on your farm business.
What is the justification for these price increases?
Highlight the lack of engagement by WaterNSW and WAMC
Murray Irrigation Submission
Over the past couple of months, Murray Irrigation has been gathering data, has attended more than five meetings internally and with relevant stakeholders including IPART and WaterNSW representatives, and has been conducting our own research to include in our formal submission to IPART. Our aim is to minimise any cost increases and extending the determination period so as to gain more meaningful data from customers that will be affected by the price increases.
Murray Irrigation’s submission to IPART will be shared via Talking Water on December 10 2024 and on the Company Website here.
If you have any questions on the above information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Customer Support on or 1300 138 265.
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