Murray Irrigation will commence Regular Operation for the 2023-24 season in Mode 3 Normal, providing maximum order flexibility for customers with less than one day’s notice for orders.
The 2023-24 Season Operating Plan has been uploaded to the Murray Irrigation website and explains how our water delivery year operates, including details of the parameters within which we run the channel system, along with our operational focus for the year.
In accordance with the Distribution Rules and the Entitlements Contract, a Season Operating Plan is released annually.
To understand the service levels you can expect, the Season Operating Plan should be read in conjunction with our Customer Service Charter.
Mode 3 Regular Operations started yesterday in non-maintenance areas listed in the table below, apart from the Mallan and Northern, Operational Areas 28 and 29, which will start tomorrow 19 July.
Guaranteed water delivery with less than one day’s notice for orders starts from 7.00am in non-maintenance areas.
Operational Area | Channel System | Guaranteed delivery date |
1, 4, 5 | Mulwala Canal, Berrigan Main, Berrigan 3 & 5 | Starting AM execution 17 July |
6, 7, 8 | Billabong System, Coree, Mairjimmy | Starting AM execution 17 July |
12, 13 | Finley Channel System | |
17, 18, 19, 20, 21 | Tuppal (Mulwala 30), Birganbigil, Mundiwa, Moulamein, Dahwilly | Starting AM execution 17 July |
22, 23, 24, 25, 26 | Deniboota, Caldwell, Tantonan, Bunnaloo, Yarraman, Yallakool | Starting AM execution 17 July |
28, 29 | Mallan, Northern | Starting AM execution 19 July |
2023 Maintenance Areas remain closed to enable the safe completion of the winter works program.
To find the Operational Area your outlets are in, check the 'My Outlets' page on your Customer Portal.
Non-maintenance areas, listed in the table above, will have access to supplementary water delivery from 7.00am on Wednesday 19 July.
Customers will be notified via SMS at the commencement of supplementary deliveries and when supplementary is no longer available.
Reminder that normal water delivery charges apply.
All the detailed data for Murray Irrigation allocations, delivery, channel flow and Water Exchange temporary trade data is available on our company web page below.
To see the latest data for Murray system storages and rivers, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's River data page.
MDBA weekly report
NSW Water allocation statements
Rainfall and evaporation
Barmah Choke trade balance
The information and data provided in Talking Water is for general reference purposes only. We take best endeavours to ensure accuracy.
September 2022, the Murray Irrigation Board of Directors and Management team embarked on a bottom-up business review.
As announced in our Business Review Shareholder Update last Wednesday, we are in the final stages of this review process and are now in a position to share some of our findings with shareholders.
To find out more about the challenge before us, watch the video below.
We have developed an information hub on our website that has a range of resources and material, including Q&As, to help you understand more about our Business Review. You can access this web page by clicking the button below.
In the meantime, please stay tuned for more information.
Nominations for three Member Director vacancies on Murray Irrigation's Board of Directors are open for another two weeks.
Candidates have until 5.00pm Tuesday 1 August to submit their nominations.
Eligible nominees must be either shareholders of Murray Irrigation or an authorised representative of a company which is a shareholder of Murray Irrigation.
Successful candidates will be appointed for a four-year term, commencing at the conclusion of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
All information, including a formal nomination form, is available on our company page below.
If you have any enquiries, please contact Murray Irrigation on 1300 138 265 or email:
Nominations for three Member Director vacancies on Murray Irrigation's Board of Directors are open for another two weeks.
Candidates have until 5.00pm Tuesday 1 August to submit their nominations.
Eligible nominees must be either shareholders of Murray Irrigation or an authorised representative of a company which is a shareholder of Murray Irrigation.
Successful candidates will be appointed for a four-year term, commencing at the conclusion of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
All information, including a formal nomination form, is available on our company page below.
If you have any enquiries, please contact Murray Irrigation on 1300 138 265 or email:
The Southern Riverina steering committee is ramping up its efforts to establish four Country University Centre campuses in Deniliquin, Hay, Finley and Moama.
The aim of this initiative is to provide communities across our region access to local higher education opportunities.
The committee is keen to gather as much community support as possible to help progress the cause.
You can help by joining the committee's mailing list (simply click on the button below) and sharing this flyer that they have developed. The more people who are aware of this initiative, the better.
Murray Irrigation supports this campaign to provide our community access to quality education opportunities.
As one of the largest employers in the region, we believe in 'growing our own' and providing pathways for our staff to enhance their skills and knowledge through further education. This has benefits not only for our company, but for the broader community.
It is our view that establishing a CUC would also provide a huge boost to our customer base by giving our next generation of farmers the option to stay within the community while undertaking their study.
If you have any questions about the CUC initiative, please reach out to Bruce Simpson onbruce.simpson@peppin.com.au or Karina Ewer on KarinaE@berriganshire.nsw.gov.au
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has announced a 55% allocation increase, bringing the total NSW Murray general security allocation for 2023-24 to the maximum 110%.
All customers who received allocation have been sent an SMS to advise the amount of water credited and their total account balance.
You can subscribe to receive the Department’s regular allocation updates and all the Department’s previous statements are available here.
As all entitlements in the NSW Murray have reached their full allocation, publication of regular statements will cease until March 2024, with a quarterly update of conditions to be provided around October and January, to highlight any significant changes or observations.
From Friday 15 March 2024, DPE monthly statements will communicate the potential water availability on 1 July 2024 for the 2024-25 water year.
This year's National Farm Safety week runs from 16-23 July.
In 2022, 55 people lost their lives on farms with tractors, side by side vehicles and quad bikes as key contributors. For this reason, this year's focus will be on tractor and machinery safety.
Farmsafe Australia will be releasing information throughout the week.
The Pasture Improvement Calculator was developed by Evergraze and helps determine the cost and benefits of resowing pastures compared to current practices.
The tool allows inputs of:
The Irrigation Insights Conference is taking place this Friday at Moama.
This event brings together leading researchers, industry experts, and forward-thinking individuals to explore the future of irrigated agriculture.
With insightful sessions, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities, it promises to be an event of great importance and value to all attendees.
The Australian Rice Growers’ Conference is heading to Griffith on 10-11 August.
This conference brings the rice industry together through education, support, and future led conversation.
Along with trade exhibits, innovative speakers, and a Gala Dinner, there is something for everyone in the rice growing, extended agriculture and agribusiness communities.
Copyright © 2023 Murray Irrigation Pty Ltd
site by mulcahymarketing.com.au