You can call us between 6.30am and 6.30pm, 7 days a week on 1300 138 265.
For emergencies and water delivery problems after 6.30pm, call our emergency number on 1300 657 313.
Reminder - order cut off time – Order starts, changes or finishes must be placed before 6:30am or 6:30pm for the order to be activated in the next 12-hour period.
You are encouraged to start, change, and finish orders via the Customer Portal, rather than calling to place or change orders.
This removes the risk of human error, such as incorrect flow rates, or orders being put on the wrong outlet.
Before the 2018/19 drought, more than 90% of orders were done online.
Our goal is for 95% of all orders to be placed online via the Customer Portal.
Step-by-step instructions are in this Guide, or our staff can show you how to use the Portal, so pop in, or call to organise a visit.
December quarter (Q2) invoices are due on or before 1 March 2023.
Our AGM will be held at 10.30am on Friday 24 February 2023 at the Deniliquin RSL Club.
The agenda, resolutions and Annual Report are available
You can appoint a proxy if you’re unable to attend the AGM.
Proxy forms must be received by 10.30am on 22 February 2023 – more information on proxies is here.
The Water Toolkit is a useful summary of irrigation water management in the NSW Murray Valley.
It was revised and published by the Ricegrowers’ Association (RGA) with our support in September last year.
Thank you to the RGA for this initiative.
Join the conversation about wellbeing and mental health for men at the Deniliquin Golf Club from 6pm on Wednesday, 22 February 2023.
It will be a casual night with a free meal and mini health checks on offer.
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